发布时间:2020-06-14 13:44:47 阅读量:8703
陈毅恒教授是香港中文大学(深圳)统计学专业负责人。他曾任香港中文大学统计学专业系主任、卓敏统计学讲座教授。他于1985年获马里兰大学博士学位。陈教授于统计学贡献良多,曾获多项殊荣,包括数理统计所(Institute of Mathematical Statistics)院士、美国统计学会(American Statistical Association)院士、国际统计协会(International Statistical Institute)委员、香港统计学会荣誉委员,国际数理统计学会会士以及Econometric Theory Multa Scripsit Award。
Good day, everyone. Welcome to this recording, and this is Professor Ngai Hang Chan from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. The program director of the statistics program here.
I would like to borrow a few minutes of your time to introduce our program to you.
The first quick question for the potential candidates are why choose statistics? And what is statistics?
Some people may have this perception that statistics only deals with numbers, which is true, but statistics goes all the way beyond that. There are also other disciplines that deal with numbers. For example, accountant. So why statistics?
In statistics, we do not only with numbers, but with data, all kinds of data. Although many data are being represented by numbers, still there are things that are beyond it. And so from which we build models, we infer the models, and then we predict the models from the data. Therefore, in a way, statistics is a subject as either science or arts for us to manage our future better. And that's why statistics is so interesting and useful.
To make it short, I think, one key word, statistics is a subject to deal with uncertainty, all kinds of uncertainty in real lives some of which we have been experiencing for the last few months.
Now at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, our program consists of three main streams. The first one is statistical science, which is purely in terms of understanding the nature and the origin of statistics and its usefulness.
The second one is about data science, which is particularly timely in view of the recent shift of the interest in the so-called big data year. And the 3rd one is on statistical finance and risk management, which everyone loves a lot because of its application. For our candidates or even for our students who entered into a program studying the second year, they would choose one of all of these 3 streams to be their potential major. And from this, they will move on.
Let me use some time to mention what our graduates doing. Well, even though we are a young university, we already gotten a couple of graduates years. And many of our graduates end up pursuing high degrees, which is really unusual for a young university.
And some of which would go to the workforce and being data analysts in a lot of other research departments in big firms. For example in places where data is indispensable like Huawei or Shunfeng or even Xiaomi. These are places they need a lot of data analytics and we provide expertise for them.
In short, I think statistics would be a subject that is of long lasting interest to many people. And it has tremendous effect to the society.
I look forward to seeing you all in the summer and I hope that you're all staying well. Take good care of yourself and then get a good result in your examination. Good bye.